I help you transform your questions, doubts, and dissatisfaction into answers, clarity, and motivation.
Hi. I’m Andrejka, a Hay House certified card reader. My greatest passion in life is to interpret the stories and symbols from the cards, empowering you to confidently and radiantly write the inspiring story of your life.
I welcome all clients without judgment. I listen to you, truly hear you, and assist you in finding clear answers and direction.

Intuitive counseling offers a deeper insight into your present and your subconscious. It’s a conversation with your soul. It’s the discovery of your own potentials and a way to communicate with the universe.
Through this counseling, you gain a broader perspective, insights, and revelations that ignite your enthusiasm for moving forward. It opens your eyes, and what was once seen in black and white is now viewed in vibrant colors.

I have contacted Andrejka several times because I don't see the point in losing energy and going around in circles. The answers always reassure me and point me in the right direction.
Omg, Andrejka is the ONLY one I allow to throw cards for me... I appreciate her discretion, unobtrusive openness, down-to-earthness at the same time...
I got direction, confirmation and firmness in my decisions. I experienced intuitive counseling as a really nice experience that enriched me.